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Saints Row IV: running fast while running like crap

Saints Row IV is a fun game. It is a very fun game. But as fun as it is, all fun is lost on the Xbox 360 thanks to horrible frame rate that makes playing the game annoying to the point of dropping the mic and not returning. At times, even when not that much is happening on-screen, the frame rate will drop so low it looks like the game is a slideshow; and, on top of that, the game occasionally freezes up for about second when jumping around the city (and almost always while auto-saving--which happens every time you grab one of the many, many clusters). I've read and heard people brush these issues aside because of the game's story--which has the player doing their dirty work in a simulated world, Matrix style--but I can't ignore the shitty frame rate and other technical issues by using a nonsensical excuse.

Like I said before, Saints Row IV is a very fun game, but it runs like shit on the Xbox 360--I cannot comment on the PS3 version, but I've heard similar complaints and am currently waiting for confirmation. If you have a PC that can run Saints Row IV, buy the game on PC; if you have no choice other than the Xbox 360, feel free to pick it up, but don't be surprised when you're hit with horrible frame rate and other, smaller issues.

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