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Sable, UnMetal, A Gummy's Life, In Sound Mind, Chernobylite, and More | The Pixelated Sausage Podcast

Marc is even more out of their mind this week thanks to an unexpected death in the tech family that led to a surprise spending of lots of money. But who cares about that?! What you really care about are video games and video games they got, including one that talks way too much, thinks it's so funny, and is unabashedly inspired by Metal Gear, and a game named after a old lady wrestler that could be something special once a few bugs are squashed. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this here episode and hope you have a wonderful rest of your week. Cheers!

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Games Discussed: Sable / UnMetal / A Gummy's Life / In Sound Mind / Chernobylite / The Plane Effect

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Sable, UnMetal, A Gummy's Life, In Sound Mind, Chernobylite, and More | The Pixelated Sausage Podcast

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