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Review: Stem Stumper (iPhone/iPod Touch)

How many games are user-friendly for someone who is blind? I have no idea—it definitely isn't a high number—but Stem Stumper is a blind-accessible game that can be played by what I was originally going to say 'everyone,' but then I remembered the existence of amputees. This blind-accessible gameplay is possible due to the game's use of sound—the game uses sound cues to show an item's location, allowing someone to play the game without the need of sight. A visual mode exists for those with the ability to see and/or those uninterested in a challenge.

From a design standpoint, this is a great idea, but in its execution, I found the sound effects, music, and visuals off-putting. This kills any potential for enjoyment, but these complaints are the epitome of subjective thought. What I find ugly may be appealing to you, but I cannot speak for anyone but myself. The fundamental gameplay is fun in theory, but my audio and visual preferences leave me unable to find any joy, which disappoints me more than anyone.

I know my brief review is not particularly positive, but I still recommend giving the game a chance. You, yes you, could love this game if you find the audio and/or visuals pleasing. Thankfully, there is a lite version so you can try it without worry. When there are gamers struggling at times because they're colorblind, I can only imagine how difficult it is to find a game for someone who is fully blind. I didn't enjoy Stem Stumper, but I respect those who created it and I hope others look at ways of creating games that are more accessible to those with disabilities.

Stem Stumper Lite (Free)

Stem Stumper (Sale: $0.99 through June 22nd -- Regular Price: $1.99)


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