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Review: Pinball FX2 - Ms. 'Splosion Man (XBLA)

I had a love/hate relationship with Ms. 'Splosion Man, but I found nothing to hate with the melding of Ms. 'Splosion Man and Pinball FX2. I feel like a broken record that just keeps on breaking, but this is yet another fantastic table and leaves me hoping Zen Studios and Twisted Pixel will collaborate with every single game from now until the end of time, which will happen in 2012 if Woody Harrelson is to be believed. The charm Twisted Pixel brings to every product is perfect for pinball tables and there is no better studio to bring those tables to life than Zen Studios. This is coming across a little love letter-ish, but it is simply a case where collaboration makes so much sense.

Onto the actual table, my first glee-filled moment came from the much reduced reliance on dialogue from the title character. Her quips and quotes are fun in moderation and that's exactly what the table delivers. Another lovely inclusion is the wonderful music from the beardtastic Matt Chaney! The entire table feels like it was taken straight out of Ms. 'Splosion Man—which is probably because assets were taken straight from the game—and it all comes together into another great table, increasing Pinball FX2's already massive selection.

In general, the Ms. 'Splosion Man table is extremely well done and one of the best tables I've played in Pinball FX2. The table has all the character (and characters) that makes Ms. 'Splosion Man a joy to play and the table in itself almost feels like a quirky boss battle. There are surprises to be found and even the Destructoid robot makes an appearance—which seems to be popping up all over the place—and his rectangle head feels right at home. You've heard me say it before and I'm about to say it again: this table is a must-buy for any fan of pinball, regardless of your feelings towards Ms. 'Splosion Man.

Pinball FX2 - Ms. 'Splosion Man Table (240MS Points/$2.99)

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