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Review: Moriarty #1

Moriarty: The Dark Chamber is the best new series I have read in ages—written by Daniel Corey, with art by Anthony Diecidue. It takes the character of Professor Moriarty and places him in a world where Sherlock Holmes is dead. I didn't know much about the character beforehand—as I never followed the tales of Holmes—but this comic holds up on its own. The writing, art, pacing, and self-contained story are all wonderfully put together into a cohesive piece of art. I really haven't heard much chatter prior to its release, but I hope this all changes because Moriarty #1 is a must-buy for not only comic fans, but fans of literature in general.

This is an extremely well done first issue and manages to deliver loads of information without ever feeling talky or excessive. This issue kept my interest from page one until the very end and my only disappointment is that it had to eventually end. There are twists, turns and moments of action that fill the story with life and excitement. These bits of action happen sparingly and do well in balancing the overall story. I found no fault in the what I've read to this point and I can't wait to see where it goes when the second issue hits in June.

You know I loved the story, but I equally loved the art. It may be obvious at this point that I have an affinity towards sketchy art, so the art of Moriarty is right up my alley. Diecidue works well with light and dark—which increases the ominous feel—complimenting the tone of the story. There is some beautiful line work in this issue and the composition is fantastic. My only complaint is that I don't particularly enjoy the cover and found it inferior to everything hidden behind the cover.

It should come as no surprise that I highly recommend Moriarty #1. If you're not a comic reader, you should still visit your local comic shop and pick up a copy. This issue contains a story I believe anyone can enjoy and I'll be putting that to the test as I purchase a copy for my "I'm collecting Social Security" father. If my hunch is correct, he will love this comic just as much as the man currently typing. At $2.99, Moriarty #1 is an absolute steal and worth every single penny.


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