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Review: Moon Knight #1

Moon Knight was—and still relatively is—a character I know nothing about, other than his few video game appearances. I noticed some buzz around Moon Knight #1 and decided to give it a whirl. My experience has left me in somewhat of a standstill. I absolutely love the art, but the story seems a tad difficult for a new reader. I, being a new reader, found myself lost with the beginning and immediately felt like I was jumping into the middle of a story. But, a little research solves everything.

When asking for some general information about Moon Knight, I was told—by @Chronorayven—Moon Knight is basically Batman with split personalities, who is an avatar for the Egyptian god Khonshu. This short description peaked my interest—specifically the split personality bit—and it's one of the better reveals in the story, from an outsider's view. I don't want to reveal too much because I don't know what may already be known or any of that jazz, so I'll play it as safe as I do with loose women.

Just a small taste of the beautiful art/coloring featured in Moon Knight #1.

What really shines in this issue is the art, both literally and figuratively. The art is full of grit and dirtiness, but those are the reasons it works so well. I am admittedly a fan of art that isn't overly produced and/or polished and Moon Knight delivers on all fronts. The coloring compliments the art perfectly and may actually be more important to the overall feel. The color is legitimately beautiful and I find the palette to be reminiscent of my favorite artist—J.M.W. Turner—at times, which is high praise from this guy. It is an absolute eyegasm.

Overall, I find it easy to recommend Moon Knight #1. As I am unfamiliar with the character, the story doesn't have the impact it may for longtime fans—or even more recent readers—but it still delivered enough intrigue to hold my interest. The real reason for my recommendation, however, is the art. I myself am an artist, so I would have no problem buying a book based off art alone and this is a book I'd buy regardless of its story. Thankfully the story isn't utter shit and it ends in a way that left me anticipating the second issue, which is what I want from every comic.

P.S. I can't honestly hate a comic starring a character with the same name—and spelling—as yours truly.


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