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Review: Mega Man #2 (comic)

The Mega Man story continues with Mega Man #2 and it only took issue two to lose me and probably you. Sorry, but the last sentence was practically begging for the rhymes. I understand that Mega Man—and Archie Comics in general—is directed towards children, but there is a way to write for children without writing like a child. It may just be me, but there is nothing lamer than using the word "lame." And don't accuse me of hypocrisy, I was simply making my point before there was a point to be made.

Reading how Mega Man feels bad about everything he does over and over again got old faster than a mayfly. The entire comic is bipolar in its nature and goes round and round in a circle of sadness, conflict, achievement, and questions. Part of the comic's problem is that this specific storyline is only a four-part arc, which forces the writer—Ian Flynn—to rush through what little he has to work with. Watching Mega Man easily defeat three robot masters in one issue is anticlimactic. A robot—who was never intended for battle—being able to easily defeat supposed masters removes most excitement.

The comic is not all bad. The art is great as expected and the added action allows for more variety and a showcase of Patrick Spaziante and Matt Herms' talent. If it was up to me, I would transform Mega Man into a completely visual comic with absolutely no dialogue, but that would be nothing but a glorified art book. If you're a fan of Mega Man, it may be worth it for the art alone, but no one should expect a compelling story. On a side note, I really wish the variant covers were more than just a mug shot of each robot master featured in an issue.


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