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Review: Mega Man #1 (comic)

I purchased Mega Man #1 the day it released as little more than a novelty. It took me this long—roughly three weeks—to review it. The funny thing is, I could have reviewed the comic without ever reading it because it is exactly what I expected. It is nothing more than a novelty at this point, but novelty doesn't immediately mean negativity. Mega Man #1 is great for parents who grew up with little Rock [Mega Man] and want to share him with their children; and, the comic is unquestionably more accessible for children than the actual video games.

For those familiar with the series, Mega Man #1 is essentially the origin story tied with the very first game. They introduce the opposing doctors—Dr. Light and Dr. Wily, who were colleagues at first—and the Robot Masters—Cut Man, Guts Man, Ice Man, Bomb Man, Fire Man, and Elec Man. There are no surprises, but I wouldn't want it any other way. The art is beautiful and the star of the show and I really look forward to seeing what they do in future issues, where there will inevitably be more action. This makes for a great kid's comic and I wouldn't expect anything else from Archie Comics, but I will never cease to be annoyed by all the ads their comics contain.

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