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Review: Footprints #2

I reviewed Footprints #1 a long, long time ago when it was still a mere Kickstarter project looking for a little kicking to get started. I really enjoyed it; so much, in fact, I ended up backing the project—it's still the only project I've backed that was successfully funded. With the history lesson out of the way, you may be wondering what all of this is about, unless you read the title or looked at the header image above of course; however, in case you're a bit slow, I'm talking Footprints #2 here—better late than never.

"Yeti always said it was luck that won us the war. Luck that brought us together. Lookin' back, he was right. I've just never been able to figure if he meant good or bad." I enjoy this quote and, for the most part, really enjoyed Footprints #2. The issue starts with a nice bit of back-story and quickly jumps back into the present, delivering a lot of information in only twenty-three pages, all without ever feeling overbearing. The only criticism I have is that which really isn't criticism: I wanted to continue reading as soon as the issue ended.

The art, once again, matches the story extremely well and goes a long way in supporting the noir vibe. The art isn't just a visualization of the story, it's part of the story and one of the keys to the entire package's success. It may not be the most technical and detailed of styles, but such a style would not work and regardless, some pages are beautifully illustrated and laid out; in particular, one of the last pages, featuring a moment of action, is gorgeous on many, many fronts.

A great follow-up and an ending making me immediately want more, what more could I ask for? Talking turtles, I could ask for talking turtles in their teenage years who just so happen to be ninjas, but that wouldn't make much sense. Now that I've pleased myself with a TMNT reference, let me just say, once again, I really enjoyed this issue and if you'd like to support an indie comic, feel free to pre-order the trade paperback at Midtown Comics, or request the comic at your local shop.


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