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Review: Dreamcast Collection (Multi)

Let me say before anything else that the score listed below is reflective of the Dreamcast Collection's value and not the quality of the actual games included. First, you get four $10 Xbox LIVE Arcade games for $30. Second, you get two Xbox LIVE Arcade games -- Space Channel 5 Part 2 and Sega Bass Fishing -- before they are digitally released. With all that out of the way, I shall get onto the actual games. Also, please forgive my broken-record syndrome throughout this review.

I have been dreading this review because I really don't enjoy delivering virtual negativities about games from one of my favorite systems. The fact is, the Dreamcast Collection offers few choices and is nothing but a glorified XBLA hub. It would be an understatement to call the UI limited, as it is barely even existent. Loading the collection brings you to a screen with the ability to choose one of four available games; upon making a choice, the ability to switch games doesn't seem to exist without returning to the dashboard and starting all over again. It is an extremely frustrating experience that has no excuse. I could go on and on, but the disc in nothing but an independent game launcher.

The actual games are somewhat of an odd bunch. I understand the inclusion of Sonic Adventure and Crazy Taxi, but Space Channel 5 Part 2 and Sega Bass Fishing seem like odd choices. Even odder, I actually enjoyed the later two more than the former. Sonic Adventure does not hold up and I forgot how loose Crazy Taxi controlled, which happens to feel looser than Lindsey Lohan's "hooha"; however, I was surprised by how well Space Channel 5 held up and even more surprised that Sega Bass Fishing was kind of fun, even without the stupid rod controller. You may be asking, "what games would you have liked to see instead?" I could answer that, but said answer would rack up a large enough word count to warrant its own post, which may come to fruition.

The Dreamcast Collection is an extremely disappointing release -- this is coming from a ridiculously huge Sega fan -- for multiple reasons. Some games included are not games that come to mind when I look favorably on my ol' Dreamcast days and the games that make sense actually hold up worse than their company. Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection was such a great collection, but the Dreamcast Collection doesn't even deserve to be in the same sentence. And, if you already purchased Sonic Adventure and Crazy Taxi digitally, do not buy the Dreamcast Collection under any circumstance. There is no added value and you won't even receive an extra set of achievements.

*Things to note: The Dreamcast Collection was provided by Sega for review and they also provided an extra copy (X360) for a giveaway, along with a copy of the limited edition vinyl and two Dreamcast hoodies. More details on the giveaway will arrive very, very soon.

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