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PSP #350: The Best Movie Trilogies of All Time

After waiting for forever, Marc finally received the Before trilogy yesterday, available in its entirety for the first time on Blu-ray thanks to Criterion, and that joy got them thinking about movie trilogies and which ones managed to stay strong across all three movies (and those that fell flat on their third movie faces), something that is much harder to do than one might expect—e.g., the first two Raimi Spider-Man movies are quite good, but the third movie was a bloated mess, featuring one of the most embarrassingly "emo" scenes to ever come out of nowhere. Anyway, that's it and that's all. Cheers and enjoy the show.

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The Talking Points:

  • Nindies Showcase
  • The Before Trilogy
  • The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
  • The Terminator Trilogy
  • The Star Wars Trilogy
  • The Back to the Future Trilogy
  • The Dollars Trilogy
  • The Die Hard Trilogy
  • The Matrix Trilogy
  • The Jurassic Park Trilogy
  • The Dark Knight Trilogy
  • The Spider-Man Trilogy
  • The Bourne Trilogy
  • The Godfather Trilogy
  • And more...

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PSP #350: The Best Movie Trilogies of All Time

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