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PSP #206: AniMondays / Puella Magi Madoka Magica

In today's episode, Marc starts the show with a terrible anime-fueled joke (see title) and drags the podcast deeper and deeper into a hole of unprepared nonsense just to satisfy that one, terrible joke. In other words, they talk about the complete anime series, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, covering it from top to bottom, beginning to end, with spoilers sprinkled throughout--there's a warning in the show--and a cherry on top. (Spoilers: there is no actual cherry anywhere near this or any episode of The Pixelated Sausage Podcast.) Is Madoka Magica worth checking out? I guess y'all just have to give it a listen, eh! Cheers and I hope y'all enjoy the show!

Anyway, that's it and that's all, folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, donate a little money or subscribe to show your support for the site and show(s); it's not free to host the site, the show, to make and record videos, and everything in between, so, anything would be greatly appreciated, even if you just tell a friend or two about the site and show(s). Y'all can also support the site by shopping at Amazon if that's what ya like. And, of course, many of the shows discussed (if not all) are on Crunchyroll and, if y'all haven't signed up for an account just yet, well, what are y'all waiting for?! Get a Crunchyroll Premium Membership Today!

Games/Shows/Etc mentioned:

  • Puella Magi Madoka Magica
  • Anime Annoyances
  • No self-indulgent singing.

Voicemail: 312.772.5874 - Email: psp[at]pixelatedsausage[dot]com - Twitter: @PXSausage

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PSP #206: AniMondays / Puella Magi Madoka Magica

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