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PS360 Controller Hybrids

These may quite possibly be the greatest controllers ever, at least the 360 controller for the PS3. I really believe that the 360's controller is the best on the market and is the greatest console controller up to this day. It fits perfectly in my hands and just feels right. My biggest issue between to the 2 consoles(PS3/360) is that I prefer one controller heavily over the other. If I could play PS3 games with a 360 controller then I would use my PS3 a lot more(though probably still for mostly PS2 games).

If I can somehow make one of these myself then I will be in heaven. Though if I decide to make the 360 DS3 controller then I'll be going to hell.

3PS60 Controller

PS360 Controller


Reader Comments (1)

Those are pretty friggen' cool.

July 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBrukaoru

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