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PS2 Games on PSN...To Be or Not To Be *Updated*

Just a rumor as of right now, but it wouldn't surprise me at all. There was a reason that Sony took backwards-compatibility out of the PS3 and it wasn't because it was too expensive. The real reason, whether you believe me or not, is so that they could start releasing PS2/PS1 games through PSN. This obviously hasn't happened yet, but I have no doubt it will happen soon.

A pic of supposed PS2 games for sale on PSN has surfaced and though I do believe Sony will start selling PS2 games through PSN; I do not believe this image to be true for a few reasons. The first is the fact that it's showing MGS2: Sons of Liberty for sale, not Substance. I can understand that a lot of the bonus features included in Substance may not translate well for digital download, but if you have to pay £12.99(close to $26USD) I would expect a little more for my money. Another reason I find this hard to believe is because of the titles that are supposedly going to be available. Fantavision? Really, a launch title about fireworks that no one remembers and even fewer care about, though I actually sort of liked it(shoot me).

I really have a hard time believing the image to be true. If Sony was going to start a PS2 to PSN network then I would expect a better launch line-up. Why not throw the original Jak and Daxter on there, some Ratchet and Clank, God of War? The PS2 had one of the greatest software line-ups ever during its history. So why would Sony start a service off with such mediocre games?


As expected, Sony has denied having any plans to release PS2 games on the PS3. They may not have everything ready yet, but I still believe that we will get confirmation sometime in the near future. Maybe not as soon as E3, but sometime this year.

PS2 on PSN Source


Reader Comments (1)

I'm just shocked that it's taken them this long to come out with PS2 titles for the PSN. I mean, they have a few PS1 games, but there's barely any of those. With Sony losing so much money on the development costs for the PS3, I would think that they would be working on this even more so to make up for losses.

I mean... Instead of taking time to complete Home, why don't they focus on something they know gamers will buy. How many people want to buy virtual furniture as opposed to a full fledged game they can play on their PS3?

I know PSNJapan has a lot more games out over there, but it's time Sony started to focus on all regions getting more PSN games.

June 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBrukaoru

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