Most Influential Game

I was recently browsing some forums and came across a topic that intrigued me. The topic was “What game has influenced you the most?” and it was easy for me to pick one game. It was no question Shaq Fu! That game is so amazing and remarkably unique that I can’t help but think of how much worse the game industry might be if we were never given this sweet, sweet game of Godliness!
Sarcasm is such a lovely part of life. Honestly the game that has influenced me the most (our meant the most to me) is easily Metal Gear Solid. There are plenty of games that I have liked more and games that I think are better, but Metal Gear Solid at the time showed me something I had never seen in a game. A little back story here; I joined the Playstation orgy late and was still heavy in the Genesis due to being poor (The Genesis still kicks ass!).When I first got my Playstation I bought Madden and Metal Gear Solid and the game blew me away. I had never seen a game with so many story elements to it (I have never gotten into JRPGs). The game had such high production values; all the voice work, characters and cut-scenes. It was the first game that made me really care about a video game character. I remember reloading that torture scene over and over because I couldn't bring myself to let Meryl die. That shit is crazy! The game was amazing to me and was such a jump from all the games I loved from the past generation. Though I do like plenty of games more; MGS will always be the game that really showed me what this media could pull off and it all always will be.
I also want to give a strong second place "prize" to Bioshock. To me the game is absolutely amazing. The narrative and the story are so above every game to me, but the real special thing about Bioshock is that it really is a work of art. The game is beautiful and has so many little details in every aspect. They really went out of their way to think about every single thing in the game world. If anyone ever questions whether video games are art. You only need to show them Bioshock and if they still say that a game can't be art; then you'll know that they don't know what art really is...
Reader Comments (2)
Awesome post. I agree, I think it's silly people say videogames can't be art.
I can't even think what game influenced me the most... I think MGS would be on my list though. A very tough question indeed. That requires some thinking!
I think it is a difficult question to ask yourself...A bit easy for me though because I never got into that JRPG crap (not that's crap, but maybe it is)...
"The cake is a lie, for the cake is a pie!"