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Kotaku = Staff's Personal Blog?

Before my sausage got banned I still wasn't a fan of Kotaku. One of these reasons was brought up in Brukaoru's comment of my previous Kotaku post. The staff seem to feel the need to post their e-mails on the site. I don't care about what they are talking about behind closed doors, especially when it has nothing to do with games. I decided to find some of these posts and link them here.

Check out the great gaming news that is, "Kotaku E-Mails"!

And you can click right HERE for a link to pretty much all of these e-mail posts.


Reader Comments (1)

Thanks Kotaku for posting personal e-mails. I just can't get enough of my own e-mails, I want to read other people's too. Especially when it discusses that you had a great weekend of nothing game-related that's two sentences long. Because Lord knows you couldn't send them a message on myspace/facebook/twitter or any other site suited for those messages. (/Sarcasm)

July 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBrukaoru

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