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Kotaku Bans The Sausage!

I post a comment on the horrible site that is Kotaku and within a few minutes I get banned. I was simply critiquing the post, though I may not have sugarcoated my words to their soft ears.

"Why should I trust the opinion of someone who can't write?"

I am "sorry" that I didn't post a nice comment stating, "Did you know that in this sentence, of this paragraph, you made these errors ________ ". I have no reason to be nice and sweet to the staff of Kotaku, not to mention that the article was written by their senior editor.

Another part of my whole problem with Kotaku is that while I get banned for something that small; people get away with a lot worse. An example would be that someone posted a link to a video depicting animal cruelty. I don't believe that relates to video games, as well as it being completely disgusting and unnecessary. That person was not banned and that comment was not removed. I would love to understand the logic behind Kotaku and the kind of community it's supposed to be. It would seem that the basic idea of Kotaku is, "LOVE IT!!! or leave it", and that just doesn't work for me.

*I did send an e-mail to the staff of Kotaku asking why I was banned. I have yet to receive a reply, but as soon as I hear from them I will update this post.*


Reader Comments (1)

"I began to mostly puzzled by what it was the team was doing with it's time."

Is this English? I know Kotaku is written by human beings and they make mistakes but... What is this?! You have a full staff that should be checking word for word of what is posted to make sure there is not any errors. Also, being a senior editor Michael McWhertor should know to double check, recheck, read it over, read again, and recheck again.

When that sentence is from the senior editor from the site, you can only imagine what the other contributors post.

On a little unrelated note: I understand people like Kotaku because they give their opinions on stories, that's all fine and dandy. However, a post that is two sentences long about what a contributor ate that morning is crossing the line. Kotaku is a "gaming blog", if you want to talk about your personal life get your own blog, or how about getting a twitter account... Jeez!

July 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBrukaoru

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