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Kombinera Was Very Nera Good, But Control Issues Keep It as a Coulda Woulda Shoulda | FIRST!

I wish I could tell you more about Kombinera. I wish I could give you in-depth, detailed information on what the game is and whether it might be for you. I wish I could do a lot of things--like dancing, playing guitar, and reading/speaking Japanese fluently--but I can't and that long list of "can't"s includes being informative about Kombinera. The reason for this is because I couldn't get past the controls. I don't know if it was me, the game, my TV, or a combination of all three, but I felt a noticeable input lag during my entire time with the game. Because of this, I dropped Kombinera after about 20 minutes. It's a shame, too, because I like the concept of Kombinera, a puzzle-platformer where you control multiple balls simultaneously and have to combine them in order to complete a level. It's a neat idea we don't see often and seems like a cool game, but thanks to off-feeling controls, I'll never know just how truly cool it is or isn't.

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Kombinera Was Very Nera Good, But Control Issues Keep It as a Coulda Woulda Shoulda | FIRST!

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