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Kickstarter Picks for the Week of June 30, 2014

What is this post all about? Well, it should pretty straightforward, but, if there's any confusion, this is where I'll be talking about a handful of Kickstarter projects each week, focusing on a few projects that recently launched and a few projects that are about to end. Will I be focusing only on projects in need of funding? No. I will simply be focusing on projects that interest me, regardless of whether they've only raised $5 or raised ten times that of their original goal. Anyway, I think it's about time I got to the actual projects, eh.

  • Recently Launched

District-Z - Fight. Escape. Survive.

  • Ends Wed, Aug 13 2014 8:57 PM CDT.

District-Z is a zombie-killing game--I know the zombie theme is beyond overused, but don't let that scare you away--for 1 - 4 players, where everyone works (semi)cooperatively to get from their starting point to the city's edge. The game, based off the rules, looks to be a nice, simple game that borders on being a filler game; it may, in fact, be a great filler for those wanting something with a bit more depth than the typical filler. Anyway, I like what I've seen and it looks like District-Z will be a good solitaire game in addition to being a cooperative game too, so, check it out and see if it's up your alley, whether you're into zombies or not.

Ants: the Board Game

  • Ends Mon, Jul 28 2014 3:36 AM CDT.

Ants: The Board Game is, surprisingly, not the first game about ants to be mentioned in these weekly posts, but it definitely isn't anywhere near as popular as March of the Ants.With that seemingly useless tidbit out of the way, Ants sounds like a game with potential, but I'd really love to try it out first; though, and this is why the game has my attention, the art of Ants is quite nice and, if the gameplay is as good as the art, it'll be a pretty good game (if only it was that simple).

The Reunion: A Storytelling Card Game

  • Ends Sat, Jul 26 2014 8:00 PM CDT.

The Reunion is a bit different and that's never a bad thing, unless the difference is from good to bad--which, then, is literally a bad thing, so, where am going with this? Um, after that odd introduction, hopefully y'all are still here, reading this nonsense because The Reunion--a card game about surviving a day with your family--looks like a fun little game where interesting stories with come to fruition as everyone tries to avoid as much stress as possible...a lot like real life! Anyway, check out The Reunion if a storytelling card game about a family gathering gone bad sounds good to you; I, for one, would much rather play a game about it than actually experience it...

  • Ending Soon

Red Dragon's Lair Role Playing Game & Adventure Card Game

  • Ends Tue, Jul 1 2014 1:00 AM CDT.

The Red Dragon's Lair is a role-playing game that is a bit out of my wheelhouse; however, it can be played solo, so, even though it's out of my wheelhouse, I'm willing to give it a shot. On top of being soloable, I like the theme of The Red Dragon's Lair and the basic setup of venturing through dungeons and the like, fighting monsters as you make you way to the red dragon with hopes of slaying it. Is it original? No, but originality is hard to find and, at least it's not about zombies, right? (That was specifically put in there because of District-Z, so that, if y'all were paying attention, y'all would think me stupid for hating on zombie-themed games after mentioning one only a few paragraphs ago.) Anyway, this one ends in hours, so check it out sooner than later.

RPG dice for the visually impaired

  • Ends Sun, Jul 6 2014 1:04 PM CDT.

"RPG dice for the visually impaired" speaks for itself and I don't see how anyone could be against something that solely exists to make gaming--specifically tabletop-RPGs--more accessible. Do I have any use for them? No (and you probably don't either), but that doesn't mean I can't love and support something that will help others be more independent when gaming. Also, you may find yourself gaming with someone who's visually impaired in the future and, if that day comes, you'll be happy to have something like "RPG dice for the visually impaired."


Anyway, that's it and that's all for this week's edition of Kickstarter picks. If you have any thoughts about the projects mentioned or want to highlight a project not mentioned above, leave a comment below--I'm always interested in seeing what other's think about various projects and what projects interest others.

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