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Kickstarter Pick: Simple System Table-Top Roleplaying Game System

I so wanted to call this, "Pickstarter," thinking I'm clever and funny, realizing seconds later that I'm actually stupid and as far from funny as one gets, but that's not why I'm here; I'm here to talk about the Simple System Table-Top Roleplaying Game System, a recently launched Kickstarter project that has grown quite a bit since I first backed it--I may be remembering wrong, but I'm pretty sure I was one of the first few to back the project. So what is Simple System Table-Top Roleplaying Game System? Well, the name is kind of straightforward...

I can't speak with any authority about tapletop roleplaying games because I've never played one, but I've always been interested in trying one out; however, there's always been an invisible wall heading my attempts to do so, not to mention the difficulty of finding the right people--someone willing to teach anything and everything--who all happen to have the same days and hours free for playing--I've been trying to get something going for a few years now with no success. On top of scheduling and all that jazz, there is something daunting about the actual roleplaying system; it may be simple, but it sure as hell isn't inviting or seemingly accessible. This is where Simple System comes into play.

Simple System is not something I can explain well as I have no experience with tabletop roleplaying--go click the one of the links to be taken directly to their Kickstarter page--but the main idea behind the project--creating a system that is newcomer-friendly, but still fully fledged (and not dumbed-down) for experienced players--is what has me so excited. As Dashing Inventor Games, the creators of Simple System, say on their Kickstarter page, "Simple System is for everyone - whether its your first roleplaying game or you've been playing for decades," and if that holds true, Simple System may be simply amazing; one can hope, at least.

Anyway, that's all I have to say because it would be better for everyone if you just checked out their project, read up on it, watched the videos, and generally listened to someone more knowledgeable about tabletop roleplaying games, but, if Simple System does what it says it will, I (and you) may just be that knowledgeable person in the near future. Now, all I need to do is find some people who can actually play a game (and are willing to play with me) and I'm all set! (Is there a Kickstarter for that?...)

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