It Always Felt Wrong and Never Right, So I Just Beat It | Hi-Fi Rush - Part 02
Surprising no one, my opinion of Hi-Fi Rush didn't change since the last episode; if anything, it got worse. I still think it's a very pretty game, but at no point did I enjoy playing it. The worst part, though, is how disappointing the soundtrack is; in a game all about integrating music and gameplay, more is rightfully expected and Tango Gameworks failed to deliver and great and memorable soundtrack, forever keeping Hi-Fi Rush in a meadow of mediocrity.
Anyway, that's it and that's all folks. You can get an even more in-depth discussion by listening to the podcast and, if you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron to show your support for the site, the podcasts, the streaming, the videos, the art, and everything in between--and you'll get a few nice bonuses while you're at it. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to consume any of the content I make and thank you for being a fan. I can't begin to express how much I appreciate each and every one of you. Cheers.
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It Always Felt Wrong and Never Right, So I Just Beat It | Hi-Fi Rush - Part 02
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