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iPhone: Rebirth of Fortune Review

It's basically Final Fantasy Tactics for the iPhone...What more do you need?

There are plenty of people who love Final Fantasy and all games associated with it. I happen to be one of those people to an extent (I stress the "to an extent" part). I think the best thing Final Fantasy has ever done is creating a large amount of unique classes. I have played every Final Fantasy Tactics game and always love being able to go through and build my team to match my play style. I start my review with all of this seemingly pointless info because Rebirth of Fortune is basically a smaller version of Final Fantasy Tactics.


Rebirth of Fortune was another game that I picked up solely based on reading the description. Once I saw that it played like FF: Tactics I was almost sold, as I was not sure if it only contained the play style and not the unlockable classes. After seeing that it was possible to unlock classes I immediately downloaded the game and started playing.


I've played through quite a few stages now and have unlocked every class minus one (the ninja). While I wish there were a few more classes, the ones provided are varied enough to suffice. Each unit can be upgraded with points earned from completing scenarios and unit level ups are required in order to unlock other classes. The gameplay is simple and touched based and the unit design is eye-pleasing. The stages are no-nonsense in design and feature a chess board base, the engaged units, and nothing else.


There are eight classes in total, which are enough for this game, but one can always hope for more in a future update. Each class has a special attack and some even have multiple specials. They all seem very balanced and it never feels like one unit or another is game-breakingly broken. The interface and game mechanics are wonderful and there are no superfluous menus or buttons. My only minor complaint is that it is sometimes hard to select a specific unit when many are clumped together, but that is not a huge problem; it only means you have to touch twice, as opposed to once.


I would highly recommend Rebirth of Fortune to everyone and especially to those who enjoyed Final Fantasy Tactics. I implore you to purchase this game immediately as I can guarantee you will enjoy it (if you don't enjoy it then you can feel free to slap me). I am still playing this game and leveling up my units and enjoying it. Rebirth of Fortune also works well as a quick pick up and play game; you can quit at your leisure. - Sausage Truth: Buy It


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