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Indie Game Music Bundle #3: Ilomilo, Frozen Synapse, & More

Do you like music? Do you like bundles? Do you like bundles of music from games one would call "indie?" If you said yes, you'll be happy to find out the "Indie Game Music Bundle #3" has just been released, and it's full of lovely music waiting to penetrate your ear holes. If you said no, would you kindly punch yourself in the face—that was from me.

Now, like previous bundles, you can get five wonderful soundtracks if you pay at least $1—Ilomilo, Frozen Synapse, Plants vs. Zombies, Terraria, Fastfall (Dustforce OST); however, if you feel so inclined to pay $10 or more, you'll also get ten additional albums—which is a fantastic deal no matter how you slice it. As always, I love supporting the little guys—I'm a rather little guy myself (not where it counts)—and I hope you find the time to contribute a little yourself; a little here and a little there goes a long way. Get the full details via linkage above or below; y'all have until June 11th at 3pm CST to contribute, so act fast and don't forget to spay or neuter your pets!

Indie Game Music Bundle #3

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