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I'd Rather Eat Myself Than Spend Anymore Time Playing Cannibal Cuisine | FIRST!

Cannibal Cuisine takes the Overcooked recipe, throws in a bit a tourist killing, and hopes its one new ingredient is just what the doctor ordered, except this doctor is apparently a vegan. There are a lot of Overcooked-likes out there and Cannibal Cuisine is both bad at being one of them, while also failing to do anything interesting with its one unique element--the whole cannibalism thing. Unless you love games like this and are beyond sick and tired of every other imitator, there's no reason to waste your time or money on Cannibal Cuisine. I never like saying that because such blunt statements come across as mean, but sometimes the truth hurts.

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I'd Rather Eat Myself Than Spend Anymore Time Playing Cannibal Cuisine | FIRST!

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