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I Think the Title Might Be a Spoiler: A Martha is Dead Preview | FIRST!

Spoilers: She's dead. Now that that's out of the way, let's talk about the game, eh. Martha is Dead is a narrative-heavy horror game with an emphasis on photography and graphic imagery--if you're squeamish or triggered by images of self harm, this is not the game for you; however, if you can handle tough topics and graphic images, the story or Martha is Dead is well told and very well acted (though one aspect made it hard for me to personally engage with it). That said, as well put together as much of Martha is Dead is, the sum of its parts don't add up to a satisfying experience and I long for the game it could have been than the game it actually is.

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I Think the Title Might Be a Spoiler: A Martha is Dead Preview | FIRST!

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