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I Played Dysmantle All Wrong...And I Loved Every Second of It! | FIRST!

Dysmantle is apparently a very me game. I say this because I spent two hours doing what likely took every other player only 15-30 minutes to do. What was clearly the starting area, cemented by the appearance of the title card and opening credits upon leaving said area, took me two hours to get through (and I would have taken longer if I wasn't streaming the game and had a schedule to uphold). I spent two hours because I took the title to heart and dismantled everything. Every fence, every vine, every dog house...everything. Because of this, I can't say much about the game as a whole, but what I played, I absolutely adored. If my first impression is anything to go by, I am going to love the entirety of my time in Dysmantle. I can't say my first impression means you'll feel the same, but me-ness aside, I still think Dysmantle is a great game and 100% worth your time.

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I Played Dysmantle All Wrong...And I Loved Every Second of It! | FIRST!

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