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I Know Something! You Love Big Bumpin'

I think it's that time again. Yes, it is time to go over what has been happening in the world of gaming today. I may be bored, but I am not a whore. You may be real, but that doesn't mean I can feel. Let's get to the friggin' news, before Gus Yoo has to poo.

So what the fizzle-fudge has happened so far today? Not much, but will that stop the sausage from getting the job done? I think not...Akuma has been revealed for SFIV and there is even gameplay footage! Though I could care less since I haven't played a SF game since Super Street Fighter II. Dynasty Warriors 6 will be hitting the PS2/PC and will likely sell millions...on the PS2. Screenshots from the upcoming Batman game have surfaced and they look shockingly good. Screw you, I am shocked like an electrocuted flock (sheep of course). Kotaku still sucks. GTAIV will be blamed for countless crimes in Japan when it finally releases there on October 30th. NCAA 09 takes the top spot for July...I bet a freshly baked Cannolo that Madden will take August. I know I may be sounding crazy there, but I have a hunch. I just feel like that game could sell for some reason. Nvidia also announces something I don't understand, but apparently it will cost a fortune. Well that about wraps up this poop. Why you want poop wrapped up is a completely different question...on to the rest!

Hockey + WOW = NHL 09. That may sound like pure insanity, as if I just did a line of blow on transvestite midget's exposed a$$, but I am completely serious. Imagine playing the "Superstar" mode online with a bunch of other players all doing the same thing. You can be traded, you may get benched, you are essentially just a NHL player on a team. All your teammates are controlled by people across the globe, as well as your enemies! You create your own persona and for hockey fans out there...this is basically as close to living their dream as they're ever going to get. There are so many details to go over that I think you should just read up on them here. It is going to be a great year for hockey fans!

Oh yea, details of the new Godfather game have surfaced and they are...interesting. Now featuring some strategy aspects, called "Don Mode" (aren't they witty and clever and not cliche at all!?). The whole thing seems odd and possibly intriguing, but there really isn't enough for me to personally go on at this moment. To get your fix of Cannoli go here! Sausage OUT!


Reader Comments (3)

What's GTA without blamed crime? True Crime Street of LA, and we know that game sucks.

Nice to know Akuma's in SFIV, I haven't played many SF since SF Alpha 3 which was yeears ago, but I've always been a fan of the series.

August 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSymbolliC

Yes, the Batman game is looking really good, I hope they don't mess it up!

The hockey game does sound interesting, I wonder if this means the feature will be implemented in other sports games soon, that would be pretty cool.

Aw man... This blog is becoming more M rated all the time.

August 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBrukaoru

@brukaoru: Well it could be the future of sport's gaming because EA likes to test out online features in their NHL games recently.

August 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKush

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