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GTAIV: The Sausage Cometh in a Montheth

Today has been an interesting news day for Grand Theft Auto IV and Rockstar. We got the final trailer (which we knew was coming) and we heard about a new community site. The Rockstar Social Club ( sounds very interesting to me, being the huge GTA/R* fan that I am. It's basically a community site where all Rockstar-whores can fight to get on top of the leaderboards and just be a wonderful retarded community. I've already been reading different people's thought on this news and some think it's a great idea, while others think it's horrible. The argument these “haters” use is that this site will take away from people enjoying the experience, that it will make everyone just strive to be numero uno. I don't think that's the case at all; this site is pure choice and if you don't want to be a part of it then you don't have to. It just really gets on my nerves when supposed GTA fans bitch about absolutely everything; the graphics suck, this site sucks, you suck, I suck, we all suck-a-lucka ding dong. Shut up already! The site will go live on April 15th allowing people to register before the game actually ships...though remember this isn’t just a GTA thing; it’s a Rockstar thing! So let’s all become rock stars together!

Now let’s go to the trailer of sausagedly goodness (which I posted below). I must say that Rockstar North really knows how to make a trailer. The music, the cinematography, the cuts...basically all that goes in this presentation is fantastic. The trailer really shows off some cool parts of the game that we haven’t seen much of yet. The physics on the guy falling down the stairs was great as well as when the news stands exploded. I don't care what anyone tries to say, this game looks absolutely gorgeous! The fact that there is so much in this game and that it looks as good as what we've seen just blows me away; not to mention the fact that from what I hear it runs pretty smooth too. Oh why must you tease me Rockstar, why!?

So GTAIV will be in our hands in just about a month now. Are you excited because I'm pretty excited (and yes Kadosho I know you're not excited). Hey Rockstar...release another Kubrick set so I can add to my collection!

Rockstar, "You're weird Kush"; Kush, "I can't quit you!!!"

 I am not ashamed to admit it and you shouldn't be either! Come on, let's all stand up and say it… I am totally gay for GTA!

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