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Giant Bomb Is About To Explode

For those of you who may not know...there is a new gaming site called Giant Bomb that was started up by Jeff Gerstmann, Ryan Davis and co. It was originally in a blog-like form while they were getting the "real" site ready. I noticed earlier today that the site was down and it wasn't hard to figure out why. I just recently checked back and now they officially have a "landing shortly" filler page.

I have been watching over the site since it's birth, it's little baby explosion. I'm hoping that things go well for the guys over there and I hope the community is better than what you find in other places (trolls can suck it!). Below is some linkage of explosive sausagely goodness.

Giant Bomb(

Giant Bomb Viddler(Videos duh)


Reader Comments (1)

I'm sure the new site will be a blast!

Get it, blast?


July 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBrukaoru

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