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Ending Soon: Forces of Evil -- Dungeon Building Game

Kickstarter projects are starting and ending every single day and, well, one post a week just isn't enough--for those interested in the happenings of Kickstarter, at least--so now I'll be posting little pieces about individual projects as they near the end, especially if they're greatly in need of funding, or if they happen to launch just after the weekly wrap-up. And, with all that said, let's talk about a little game called Forces of Evil.

There are only about six hours and change left until Forces of Evil's Kickstarter campaign ends and, let's not beat around the bush, there's about a 99% chance of it not succeeding; however, that doesn't mean y'all shouldn't check it out and, maybe with a bit of feedback and some extra work, Forces of Evil will return for round 2, ready to kick bubble gum and chew ass--wait, I think I did that wrong.

What is Forces of Evil? It's basically a board game version of Dungeon Keeper, meaning you and your fellow "forces of evil" go about building up your own, individual dungeons, hoarding treasure, and recruiting minions all while defending against the "forces of good," who want nothing more than to stop your evil ways. Once each and every hero is dead, the most powerful evil force is victorious. Sounds like fun, eh.

Anyway, y'all can check out the Kickstarter here and, if you scroll down a bit, y'all will find a link to a preliminary print-and-play version of the game, so you can try out the game for yourself and see if it's worth backing now or in the future--I haven't played it yet because I am not a huge print-and-play person; however, I love it when the option exists because I know I'm weird in my ways and giving people the chance to try out a game before pledging a decent amount of money is always better than the alternative (not giving 'em anything). Well, this is where I shut up and let y'all check out the game. Hopefully, if Treasure Valley Games decides to relaunch the Kickstarter sometime in the future, it will find more success than it has during this campaign.

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