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Come on, don't think just do it. Time for some news and crap upon other crap. It has been a busy week for me since Saturday. I am tired as balls and losing my mind, so if you read anything a'll know why. On to the news, "That's what she said."

Sony unveils a shit load of more SKUs to confuse everyone once again, including the PSP-3000 and a 160GB PS3 (still no BC). Sony unveils the EyePet and I bet you don't care at all (see, I made a funny). Another snowboarding game has been announced for the 360...but it's not a new SSX. The Tecmo president has chosen to pack his bags and resign. Hurray? I'm sure plenty of other poop happened, but I'm done for now.

Enjoy the Mad World trailer below...and I can really only say one thing about this game: Mad World = AWESOME = F*** you Wii! Why the hell does it have to be on the Wii!?


Reader Comments (3)

Aww! EyePet is adorable! :D

Tecmo president resigning... Did it go like this:

Tecmo President: Screw you Itagaki, leave and sue us!
Itagaki: Okay, bye. Now, give me my moneys!
        Months later...
Tecmo: Uh, Mr. Yasuda, you were part of why Itagaki left, now our company has to start making new properties instead of Tecmo Bowl! You're a pain in our butts! Either you step down or you're fired!
Tecmo President: No, please, I'll resign, I'll state personal reasons!

Yeah maybe something like that...?

Holy crap, riding a motorcycle! Gliding! Tornados! Looks just like a comic book! ARTISTIC! ZOMG Love love love love PlatinumGames! <3 <3 <3 <3

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBrukaoru

Wii's are awesome. Your head is clearly ricotta-filled.

August 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Ms. Anonymous: When you comment as anonymous, you probably shouldn't include an initial. You damn sneaky Italian!

August 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKush

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