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DF Question of the Week: 12/23/2009

So hot, want to touch the heiney...

Another week and another question for all you loyal listeners; we plan to try and keep these coming on a weekly basis. What’s a better topic to talk about just before Christmas than nudity? Jesus came out of Mary’s nude vagina and was fully nude with his little pecker flopping about and whatnot right? (How many people did I possibly offend right there?) Wow, I feel rather overwhelmed by all the question marks.

The real question for episode 88 is this: What are your feelings on nudity in video games? Has it ever been done tastefully, or has is only been offensive/gratuitous? Send in your answers via comment on this post, by email at, or by leaving us a voice mail at (707)-520-4263. We look forward to hearing your thoughts and this goes out specifically to JaredStorm: Do not post any more pictures of you holding your balls. Thank you.

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