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Deus Ex: A Face-punching Comedy

You wouldn't expect to find many laughs in Deus Ex: Human Revolution, but with a little non-sexual experimentation, humour becomes rather easy to find. Experimentation, in my case, should be replaced with "complete and utter accident," as the laughs came pouring in after the pressing of a wrong button. The happy accident I speak of is the discovery that Jensen—the character you control—can takedown almost anyone at any time if he has at least one full energy cell. Takedowns come in many shapes and sizes, but as one would expect, my favorite takedown is that which involves punching people in the face.

It may get old real fast, but I found at least two minutes worth of joy from punching random civilians in the face. After helping the mother of a past lover, I swiftly punched her in the face. When I saw a man breakdancing in the subway station, I said to myself, "not too shabby," and then I punched him in the face. When a man told me he already knew we wouldn't be friends, I felt sad inside and decided he needed to be punched in the face. All you need to know is punching people in the face is more fun than not punching people in the face.

That being said, certain, key figures are impervious to punches and attacks of any kind. If you find yourself sick of William Taggart's high and mighty attitude, no punch or rocket will scratch his baby-like face. It is also important to remember that, for whatever reason, the authorities don't look kindly to punching innocent people in the face. So if I can leave you with one piece of advice, let it be this: if you want to punch someone in the face, make sure you punch 'Save Data' first. And if punching isn't your forte, you could always throw dumpsters instead.

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