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Deal of the Day: Xbox One exclusives for $39.99 each

Today only, you can pick up one of three (or all three) Xbox One exclusives for $39.99 each on Amazon: Forza Motorsport 5, Ryse: Son of Rome, and Dead Rising 3. Now I know Forza 5 gets a lot of crap for its microtransactions, but, as someone who put a few dozen hours into the game, I never once paid anything more than the initial price of admission and never felt like I was missing out or that I needed to spend more money to get the full experience. On a similar note, Ryse is a game that may not be great, but it's a very solid game with great visuals, a surprisingly good story, and fun multiplayer; I enjoyed my entire time with Ryse and hope y'all don't let some early negativity keep you from giving the game a shot.

Forza 5 and Ryse are good games, but Dead Rising 3 is a great game. I know not everyone liked the first two games and I understand why--the save system was awful; the partner A.I. was beyond stupid; and the gameplay was pretty damn terrible, especially when you had a gun in your hand--but Dead Rising 3 fixes so many of those problems, delivering a Dead Rising game with a, "Save Anywhere" system, partner A.I. that is actually helpful, and legitimately fun gameplay, even when shooting one of a handful of guns. Dead Rising 3 may not be the most amazing game ever made, but it's a lot of fun and one of my favorite games of 2013.

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