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Bayonetta (X360) Review

Bayonetta is a Japanese game. It has a unique style that you would never see from a Western-made game and it delivers a wonderful and enjoyable experience. I won’t say that I understood what was going on in any way, but it was ridiculous, funny, and overtly sexual. I never expected to enjoy the character that is Bayonetta, but I ended up finding her quite interesting and I hope we’re lucky enough to see more of her in the future. It may sound odd, but I think she’s actually a better female lead than someone like Lara Croft because while Bayonetta is a very sexualized character; she knows it and chooses to embrace it. Lara Croft is an adventurer supposedly grounded in real life who apparently must bring her makeup kit and skin-tight clothing as she’s off risking her life.

The real draw of Bayonetta is the gameplay. The game was created by one of gaming’s greatest minds, Hideki Kamiya, who created Devil May Cry, Viewtiful Joe, and Okami. The gameplay of Bayonetta is reminiscent of Devil May Cry with one key addition: Witch Time. Witch Time is just another way of saying “bullet time” and it works rather well. Witch Time is initiated when you perfectly evade an incoming attack. It lasts for just a few seconds, but it gives you enough time to deal a significant amount of damage to your foes. The rest of the action feels exactly like Devil May Cry with a few twists thanks to Bayonetta’s unique proportions and personality. My only complaint with the gameplay is that it features quite a few quick time events and a tad too much button mashing.

One of Bayonetta’s greatest achievements is its difficulty. Many games in the action genre, such as the Ninja Gaiden series, can be overly difficult for gamers unfamiliar with the genre. Bayonetta is extremely forgiving and features a fairly well implemented checkpoint system. That’s not to say the game is free of frustration, but it’s much more inviting than other action games. I will say that it is a bit annoying, as well as archaic, to keep the higher difficulties locked in the beginning, but the game is fun enough to warrant multiple playthroughs. Those looking for more of a challenge will get more than enough from playing the game on Hard and Non-Stop Climax (the game’s hardest difficulty level).

The story is completely ridiculous and I honestly don’t understand most of what happened, but at the same time I really don’t care. I don’t need an explanation for controlling a character with the ability to turn her hair into a giant, fire-breathing spider. Bayonetta is a witch with mystical powers and that’s all the explanation I need. I will say that the game is extremely cut-scene heavy and that may be a turnoff, but every cut-scene is skippable for those uninterested in the story. There’s not much that needs to be said about the story; it’s 100% crazy and I absolutely love the game for reveling in that fact.

Bayonetta is an absolute treat and a great way to start off the new year. It will last you at least a solid twelve hours during your initial playthrough and there’s good reason to come back for more; leaderboards and higher difficulties will satisfy the hardest of hardcore. The game isn’t perfect and will likely be forgotten due to its extremely early release, but it’s a terrific game and a game deserving of your attention. I can’t think of a better way to describe Bayonetta than by calling it visually orgasmic and a game you won’t soon forget if you’re inclined to give it the chance it deserves.


Bayonetta Endgame Dance Sequence ... Just one of the many reasons to love this game!

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