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I am calling this little feature 'Alternate Reality Contemplation'—ARC for short—because who doesn't enjoy an overly complicated title? The rough premise behind this feature is the idea of what would it be like if this or that—better said as "Dis of Dat" for those familiar with something relating to Jack—happened in a completely different way. For example, the idea of this initial feature is: how would the PSP Go have fared if it were released extremely cheap?

I am asking this because the recent news—essentially bringing the death of the GO—filled my mind with a ridiculous idea. I would love to see a world where Sony released the GO for a hundred dollars. You, me, and the community at large may think this is crazy, but with an all digital platform, why not try and get said platform in as many hands as possible? Sony controls the content; Sony controls the pricing; and you—yes, you—have no alternative way of obtaining this content—burn in hell, pirates.

This is a ridiculous idea for a company with a history of overpricing hardware—not just in the video game world—but it is an idea I'd love to see in reality. I'm more so interested in hearing the opinion of others than elaborating myself, so please leave a comment with your thoughts if you feel inclined. -- P.S. Pee goes down the toilet. Sorry. I already know that was terrible.

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