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Alice: Madness Returns...eventually

I bought Alice: Madness Returns years ago and never played it--this happens more often than I'd like to admit--but, now, for whatever reason, I decided to change that; I am playing Alice Madness Returns and I don't know what to make of it, not yet.

I never played the original Alice--part of me thinks I would enjoy Madness Returns more if I had--but one doesn't need experience with the first game to understand what's going on in Madness Returns; shit is crazy and that's all that matters. The beginning of the game is the creepiest part, so far, thanks to plastic-looking people and a surprisingly graphic opening cinematic; the game is creepy throughout and much of the reason is because of the visuals. I love the artistic style, though it looks like it's been wiped with a muddy rag, and hope the environmental variety continues as I keep playing--I really just want out from my current location because it's so plain compared to the colorful area I started in.

As much as I love the visuals, the game is repetitive and drags on--which I'm saying, now, having not even finished the first chapter yet; that's a real problem because the chapters feel more like novellas and, with what has transpired in the game so far, I thought I should have been at least a few chapters in by now, but I'm not. I'm still interested in what is to come, but I just hope Alice: Madness Returns picks up the pace and comes a little faster. (Sorry, I couldn't help but end with an immature joke.)

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