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A Good Story and Great Voice Acting Can’t Make Up for the Rest of INDUSTRIA's Shortcomings | FIRST!

This here episode is all about INDUSTRIA, a first-person shooter that takes you from East Berlin into a parallel reality, shortly before the end of the Cold War. You’re on the search for a missing work colleague and, during your search, you’re transported to a mysterious parallel dimension where a dark past reveals itself, including a second life you never knew your friend had. You’re all alone, at least at first, as you try and put the puzzle pieces together and, surely, try and find a way home as well. INDUSTRIA shows a lot of promise, but technical issues and questionable design choices kill what could have been a good, maybe even great, game. It's not a total failure and there's still a chance if it receives a patch or two, but until that (hopefully) happens, I'd pass on INDUSTRIA.

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A Good Story and Great Voice Acting Can’t Make Up for the Rest of INDUSTRIA's Shortcomings | FIRST!

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