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PSP #522: Chained and Mortal

On today's show, Marc talks about the very very okay, souls-like game, Immortal: Unchained, as well as a smidgen more of Into the Breach and Arcade Islands: Volume One before letting everyone know that The Big Lebowski is actually a not-so-great movie. Anyway, something-something soulsy and bowlsy, cheers and enjoy the anime-zing(ly I got friggin' carded at Best Buy for buying an R-rated movie) show.

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, podcast(s), and all the ridiculous jazz we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. And don't forget, you can also support the site by shopping at Amazon if that's your jam--you can probably buy your favorite blueberry jam on Amazon too.

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PSP #521: The Dark Souls of Rally Racing

On today's show, Marc starts off talking about THQ Nordic's latest ridiculous acquisition, with more than a few tangents along the way, before diving deep into what they've been playing, including V Rally 4 and Arcade Islands: Volume One. Also, Street Fighter (the award-winning movie) 'cause whatever. Anyway, something-something flippy and snippy, cheers and enjoy the anime-zing(ly brutal) show.

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, podcast(s), and all the ridiculous jazz we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. And don't forget, you can also support the site by shopping at Amazon if that's your jam--you can probably buy your favorite blueberry jam on Amazon too.

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PSP #520: Dead Age Making Me Wish I Was Dead

On today's show, Marc starts off talking about their miserable experience playing Dead Age on Xbox One and having the complete opposite experience with Dragon Ball FighterZ. After that, they talk about some movies, including The Pink Panther (1963) and a few somewhat recent anime. Anyway, something-something boring and snoring, cheers and enjoy the anime-zing(ly disappointing) show.

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, podcast(s), and all the ridiculous jazz we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. And don't forget, you can also support the site by shopping at Amazon if that's your jam--you can probably buy your favorite blueberry jam on Amazon too.

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PSP #519: Getting Buckets and Buckets of Fuuuuuhhhhh

On today's show, Marc finds the time to record an episode in between sucking up buckets and buckets of water that oh so lovingly decided to call their basement home. The topics discussed include 3on3 FreeStyle, 3on3 FreeStyle, and 3on3 FreeStyle. Also, some Neo Geo nonsense. Anyway, something-something shotty and blocky, cheers and enjoy the anime-zing(ly online-only) show.

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, podcast(s), and all the ridiculous jazz we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. And don't forget, you can also support the site by shopping at Amazon if that's your jam--you can probably buy your favorite blueberry jam on Amazon too.

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PSP #518: I Like My Animals American

On today's show, Marc talks about some more Into the Breach, some fantastic OnRush news (hopefully), a smidgen of Ninjin: Clash of Carrots, and ends it all with a review of the fantastic American Animals. Anyway, something-something criminal and subliminal, cheers and enjoy the anime-zing(ly vegetarian) show.

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, podcast(s), and all the ridiculous jazz we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. And don't forget, you can also support the site by shopping at Amazon if that's your jam--you can probably buy your favorite blueberry jam on Amazon too.

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PSP #517: Into the Breach is the Perfect "Perfect for Switch" Game

On today's show, Marc returns to the wonderful world of Into the Breach after it was announced for Switch yesterday, August 28th, during their most recent Nindies Showcase and released on the same day. Spoilers: Into the Breach is still amazing and the perfect "Perfect for Switch" game. In addition to all that perfection, Marc also talks about Cyberpunk 2077 and a handful of movies. Anyway, something-something Veky and sexy, cheers and enjoy the anime-zing(ly not-so-perfect) show.

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, podcast(s), and all the ridiculous jazz we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. And don't forget, you can also support the site by shopping at Amazon if that's your jam--you can probably buy your favorite blueberry jam on Amazon too.

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PSP #516: A Little of This, A Little of That

On today's show, Marc talks about a little of this and a little of that, including even more OnRush, some more updates about Attack the Backlog, and a few indies by the names Tanzia and Spectrum. Anyway, something-something inclusive and conclusive, cheers and enjoy the anime-zing(ly douchey) show.

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, podcast(s), and all the ridiculous jazz we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. And don't forget, you can also support the site by shopping at Amazon if that's your jam--you can probably buy your favorite blueberry jam on Amazon too.

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PSP #515: That Time When You Really Want to Love a Game...

On today's show, Marc starts off talking about returning to Brawlout now that it's out of early access and available of Xbox One (and how they really, really, really want to love it). In addition to that, they talk about Puyo Puyo Tetris and just a smidgen of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, but not too much, lest they spoil their upcoming new show, "Attack the Backlog." Anyway, something-something handcrafted and fan drafted, cheers and enjoy the anime-zing(ly blocky) show.

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, podcast(s), and all the ridiculous jazz we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. And don't forget, you can also support the site by shopping at Amazon if that's your jam--you can probably buy your favorite blueberry jam on Amazon too.

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PSP #514: Apparently Everything's Perfect for Switch, Eh

On today's show, Marc talks about what it's been like trying to play Fall of Light: Darkest Edition on Xbox One, why they're still in love with OnRush, and a handful of weird stories, including the announcement that Saints Row: The Third is coming the Switch 'cause why the hell not, eh. Anyway, something-something buggy and muggy, cheers and enjoy the anime-zing(ly hip) show.

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, podcast(s), and all the ridiculous jazz we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. And don't forget, you can also support the site by shopping at Amazon if that's your jam--you can probably buy your favorite blueberry jam on Amazon too.

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PSP #513: You Ache, I Ache, We All Ache for Headaches

On today's show, Marc battles with a headache to talk about a handful of games, including Polygod, Unexplored: Unlocked Edition, and Hero Defense, as well as a movie where Charlton Heston plays a Mexican. Anyway, something-something bloaty and floaty, cheers and enjoy the anime-zing(ly touchingly evil) show.

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, podcast(s), and all the ridiculous jazz we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. And don't forget, you can also support the site by shopping at Amazon if that's your jam--you can probably buy your favorite blueberry jam on Amazon too.

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