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Killing Spiders with Fire and So Much More | The Pixelated Sausage Podcast

On this week's show, Marc starts off by talking about something huge they said they'd never do and have now done. You will poop your pants when you hear how not huge it is! After that, they jump right into what they've been playing, including a game about driving taxis in a crazy fashion that is not Crazy Taxi (but really wants to be) and a game about killing spiders with more than just fire despite what its name may lead you to believe. Anyway, something-something ripped off, cough-cough, cheers and enjoy the anime-zing(ly bland) show.

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks. If you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, the plentiful podcasts, the various videos, the absurd art, and all of the other nonsense we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. Thanks for being a fan.

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Ripping Pixels in, Ummm, Reality of the Virtual Kind | The Pixelated Sausage Podcast

On this week's show, Marc starts off with um, uh, and other such interjections before getting into what they've been playing, including a game about playing a game within a game that then breaks out of said game so you can game while you game when you game. Not to be outdone, there's also a game about shooting bunnies and a game called Firework that has nothing to do with fireworks, so all you Fantavision fans will just have to keep waiting--P.S., WandaVision also isn't about fireworks. Sorry. Anyway, something-something ummm, uhhhh, and ands, cheers and enjoy the anime-zing(ly you know) show.

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks. If you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, the plentiful podcasts, the various videos, the absurd art, and all of the other nonsense we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. Thanks for being a fan.

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Shhhhhhhhhould You Play The Quiet Man? Not | Attack the Backlog

Updated on Sunday, February 14, 2021 at 12:00PM by Registered CommenterMarc Kusnierz

On this episode of Attack the Backlog, Marc hears nothing, wishes they could see nothing, and hates everything that has to do with The Quiet Man, a game about some emo boy who can't hear that answers yes to the question, "Is it really that bad?" The Quiet Man originally came out on November 1st, 2018 for PC and PS4 and one-hundred percent shouldn't be played by anyone. If you want to consume something called The Quiet Man, watch The Quiet Man starring John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara; it's much better. Anyway, something-something I've literally wasted my life, the least you could do is spare me a bit of your time, cheers and enjoy the show!

If you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, the plentiful podcasts, the various videos, the absurd art, and all of the other nonsensical nonsense we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. As always, thanks for being a fan.

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The Wild and Crazy 2021 Predictions Episode | The Pixelated Sausage Podcast

DISCLAIMER: If you don't want to sit through the nonsense opening of this week's show, you can skip ahead to the 6:57 mark and you'll be good to go. With that out of the way, on today's show, Marc starts off with some CRAZY predictions before jumping into what they've been playing, where they fly, drive, and run their way through a handful of games, including The Falconeer and the Turrican Flashback Collection. Anyway, something-something I'm sorry for the opening, I swear there wasn't any dope in me, cheers and enjoy the anime-zing(ly I have problems) show.

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks. If you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, the plentiful podcasts, the various videos, the absurd art, and all of the other nonsense we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. Thanks for being a fan.

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Of Course Google Didn't Staydia | The Pixelated Sausage Podcast

On today's show, Marc starts off with some new Attack the Backlog news, some not-so-surprising Google Stadia news, some exciting MLB the Show 21 news, and some Hitman 3 news they wish they could get excited about. After getting all that nonsense out of the way, they get to what they've been playing, including a shmup that goes from left to right and one that goes from the bottom, to the top, oh my! Anyway, something-something point and click me, I wish I could get into Hitman 3, see, cheers and enjoy the anime-zing(ly loopy) show.

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks. If you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, the plentiful podcasts, the various videos, the absurd art, and all of the other nonsense we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. Thanks for being a fan.

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Doom! Here Comes the Doom! Ready or Not, Here Come the Demons from the South! | Attack the Backlog

Updated on Sunday, January 31, 2021 at 12:00PM by Registered CommenterMarc Kusnierz

On this episode of Attack the Backlog, Marc makes with the punches, eats demon's lunches, shoots fools in bunches, and stomps 'em until they hear crunches as they make their way through hell and back in Doom (2016), the soft reboot of the first-person shooter series all about shooting demons in the face while kick-ass metal music plays in the background. Doom (2016) originally came out on May 16th, 2016 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One, followed by a Switch release a year later on November 10th, 2017. Anyway, something-something Doom, here comes the Doom, ready or not, I finally like a game say what(?!)... cheers and enjoy the show!

If you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, the plentiful podcasts, the various videos, the absurd art, and all of the other nonsensical nonsense we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. As always, thanks for being a fan.

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I Don't Wanna, Vision | The Pixelated Sausage Podcast

On today's show, Marc rambles on and on for way too long about WandaVision, Xbox Live Gold, Hitman 3, and Dirt 5/OnRush before finally getting to what they've been playing; like, 30+ minutes of rambling. When they do get around to what new games they've been playing, they talk about a varied range of games including a few action-adventure games, one very pretty point-and-click adventure game, and even a mahjong game! Anyway, something-something I love me some harpooning, if you consent, would you care for some spooning, cheers and enjoy the anime-zing(ly blind) show.

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks. If you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, the plentiful podcasts, the various videos, the absurd art, and all of the other nonsense we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. Thanks for being a fan.

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Agent 47 Not Only Killed His Targets, But My Excitement Too | The Pixelated Sausage Podcast

On today's show, Marc talks about quite a few games for a change, as well as what is becoming the normal,"This Week in Attack the Backlog" news, progress, or whatever the hell you want to call it. In addition to (and part of) what they've been playing, Marc talks about the rocky launch of Hitman 3 for returning fans and why it's frustrating and one of the biggest bummers of 2021 so far. Anyway, something-something I thought I was a master, but this shit is a disaster, cheers and enjoy the anime-zing(ly where'd my progress go) show.

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks. If you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, the plentiful podcasts, the various videos, the absurd art, and all of the other nonsense we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. Thanks for being a fan.

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My Father Hates Halo 2! | Attack the Backlog

Updated on Sunday, January 17, 2021 at 12:00PM by Registered CommenterMarc Kusnierz

On this episode of Attack the Backlog, Marc shoots, slashes, and friendly fires their way through space and more in Halo 2, a game they played from start to finish with their father, a father who constantly berated them while playing, making sure it was known just how much he hated the entire experience. Halo 2 originally came out on November 4th, 2004, for Xbox, just Xbox, the original Xbox, not Xbox One; though, for a time, you could have called it the Xbox 1, but then Microsoft had to go and release a new console that’s now an old console called Xbox One and ruin everything. In addition to releasing on Xbox 1, but not Xbox One, Halo 2 did eventually make its way to PC as a Windows Vista exclusive on May 31st, 2007, and was rereleased in a remastered form, aptly referred to as Halo 2 Anniversary, as part of the Master Chief Collection on November 11th, 2014 for Xbox One, the new one, and later made its way to PC (finally) as part of the same collection on May 12, 2020. Anyway, something-something, can we please stop playing 'cause this game I be a hating, cheers and enjoy the show!

If you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, the plentiful podcasts, the various videos, the absurd art, and all of the other nonsensical nonsense we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. As always, thanks for being a fan.

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Muse and Synth Riders are a Match Made in Heaven | The Pixelated Sausage Podcast

On today's show, Marc talks about...something in particular finally! What particulars you ask? Well, in addition to the usual bullshit, Marc talks about the latest DLC for Synth Riders--which includes some fantastic Muse music--why Brawl Chess - Gambit is so disappointing, and what upcoming game is basically The Witness except it's not The Witness (though it pretty much is [The Witness]). Anyway, something-something Muse is the best and that's no jest, cheers and enjoy the anime-zing(ly puzzling) show.

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks. If you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, the plentiful podcasts, the various videos, the absurd art, and all of the other nonsense we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. Thanks for being a fan.

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