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The Pixelated Sausage Podcast #009: State of Decay

To quote myself, "State of Decay is one of my favorite games of 2013, if not my favorite, and I think it's best to go into the game knowing as little as possible; the game is an experience, one that is unique to each player but also shared by every single one at the same time." For more written thoughts, read my full review, or, if you don't like reading, listen to me talk about State of Decay right here! (But really, you should do both...obviously.) And if you're feeling extra generous, donate a little money or subscribe to show your support for the site and show(s), it's not free to host the site, the show; to make and record videos, and everything in between. Thanks regardless.

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State of Decay review: not just another zombie game, but the zombie game

State of Decay is an open-world zombie survival game that snuck up on me, bit me and immediately turned me into a fan. I remember when State of Decay was first announced a few years ago--then, it was called Class 3--and thought it looked interesting, but news of it seemed to disappear fast until only a few months ago when it was readying itself for release; it may have been that other news overshadowed State of Decay, but not hearing about it over and over again for years made playing it such a delightful surprise.

So what is State of Decay? Well, as previously stated, it is an open-world zombie survival game and, from just that description, it is easy to think, "Oh great! Another zombie game...," but thinking that, and not playing the game because of that, would be a mistake; State of Decay is a zombie game, but, in a way, it is the zombie game. When I think of all the zombie games I've played and the one I always wished I was playing, State of Decay is the closest game to the one I always wished for; that is because State of Decay captures the feeling of actually being in a zombie apocalypse more so than any other zombie game I've ever played; everything matters in the game, and every action has a consequence, no matter how large or small.

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The Pixelated Sausage Podcast #008: The Future of Atlus

I had different ideas for today's podcast, but the moment I heard the news of Index Holdings, Atlus's parent company, I had to change the topic to Atlus and what will come when everything is settled--for more details on what's going on, read this. Anyway, in this episode, I talk about what I love about Atlus, why I love them and what I think might happen in the coming future (and what I would like to happen). I hope you enjoy the show and let's all hope for the best for Atlus.

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Index Holdings, Atlus's parent company, is on the verge of going bankrupt

As a huge fan of Atlus, both as a developer and a publisher, the news that Index Holdings, their parent company, will be undergoing civil rehabilitation proceedings--the Japanese equivalent of filing for bankruptcy--is very sad news. What does this hold for Atlus? Well, right now, details are still coming out, but things do look optimistic for Atlus according to the Index Holdings' press release, which seems to state that the company will be looking for either a partner or straight buy-out in order to keep Atlus going strong. All details have been gathered from this NeoGAF thread and I recommend you follow that for any updates to this story.

"Index (Atlus) about to go bankrupt [Seeking sponsor for business transfer]" [NeoGAF]


The Pixelated Sausage Podcast #007: In-game Audio Options

One of my biggest video game pet peeves is the lack of in-game audio options--the ability or, when annoyed, lack thereof, to individually adjust different parts of the in-game audio, from music to sound effects to dialogue. I was reminded of this pet peeve when playing inFamous 2--which only has one audio option: always play English audio--and I couldn't help but record a little podcast about it. And so, I say, with a stupid look on my face, enjoy this here audio podcast about annoyances with audio.

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The Pixelated Sausage Podcast #006: Microsoft Solitaire and Co.

If you don't care about Microsoft Solitaire, raise your hand. Woah, woah, woah everybody, no need to raise both of them. OK, so I know this is a weird topic, but it stems from a quick mention on the latest episode of Pixelated Radio and I just couldn't help myself. In the end, this episode became, "Why you should play Fairway Solitaire over Microsoft Solitaire," but, I mean, what's wrong with that? Anyway, if you enjoy nonsense, kisses and many weird voices, this is the episode for you. Also, I enjoying using the word, "Anyway." Anyway...

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The Pixelated Sausage Podcast #005: Rush Bros. Review

Can you believe it? I've made it to week two without missing a show! Of course, that only means five episodes, but don't lessen my accomplishment! In this here fifth episode, I talk all about Rush Bros.--which I reviewed with written words too--a platformer all about using music to affect the gameplay...and running and jumping too. Is it worth checking out? I guess you'll just have to listen (or read the review) to find out.

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Rush Bros. review: no need to rush out to play this game

Rush Bros. is a platformer all about speed runs, where each level claims to be affected by the music playing, whether it's the game's soundtrack or your own music; the problem is, despite the quality of the game's soundtrack, the music doesn't seem to provide anything other than something good to listen to while racing through levels; I played multiple levels with different songs and never noticed any differences. There are a few moments when the music plays a part--such as when woofers are in the background and blast sound waves that push back the character--but they are rare and even they don't feel immediately influenced by the music as much as they should be.

You may be asking, "Why is the music integration so important in Rush Bros.?" The answer is simple: it's because the platforming is good but not great, and the music is the number one aspect of Rush Bros. that tries to set it apart from other similar platformers.

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The Pixelated Sausage Podcast #004: Hannibal

And just like that, the first week of episodes is over! "Thank God!" is what we're all thinking, I'm sure. Was it as bad for you as it was for me? Anyway, this fourth episode is all about the amazing Hannibal TV show and went off the rails numerous times due to internet worries and personal overheating; it became very hot in the room where I was recording the show. Regardless of how this episode turned out, you must all--each and everyone of you--check out Hannibal if you haven't already; it's a pretty delicious show.

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The Pixelated Sausage Podcast #003: Animal Crossing: New Leaf

I wasn't sure if I wanted to record an episode about Animal Crossing--specifically the new 3DS game, New Leaf--but I couldn't say no, and now I'm here, writing about my inability to say no. This episode went off the rails a bit--it seemed like at least--but what do you expect from a podcast about a game as stupid and lovable as Animal Crossing? I feel stupid for loving the series, but I will (probably) never stop loving the series no matter how stupid I(t) gets.

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