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Ravenlok, Revita, Afterimage, and Space Gladiators | The Pixelated Sausage Show

Marc starts things off this episode talking about how they're kind of, definitely, may be maybe, burnt out on video game podcasts, in large part because of all the recent Redfall discourse. (I know, it's kind of a bummer.) After getting all that bummy bummer stuff out of the way (as well as a bit more Star Wars hate), Marc gets on to what they've been playing with Ravenlok, Revita, Afterimage, and Space Gladiators. Anyway and as always, thank you for watching or listening, I hope you enjoy this here episode, and I hope you have a wonderful wonderful rest of your day. (And if you haven't already, or are a listener and not a watcher, please like, subscribe, hit the bell, and all that jazz; it may not seem like much, but it goes a long way in helping support the show and site in general. I would appreciate it greatly.)

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BROK the InvestiGator, Iris and the Giant, and W.A.R.P. | The Pixelated Sausage Show

Some things can't be helped and apparently one such thing is me hating on Star Wars as the hate train continues chugging along with the completion of the prequel trilogy, Solo: A Star Wars Story, and Obi-Wan: Don't You Wanna Fanta--no, no I don't. After I Star Wars myself out, I get on to what I've been playing with BROK the InvestiGator, Iris and the Giant, and W.A.R.P.. Anyway and as always, thank you for watching or listening, I hope you enjoy this here episode, and I hope you have a wonderful wonderful rest of your day. (And if you haven't already, or are a listener and not a watcher, please like, subscribe, hit the bell, and all that jazz; it may not seem like much, but it goes a long way in helping support the show and site in general. I would appreciate it greatly.)

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Picross S - Nonogram? More Like Yesyesgram! | Attack the Backlog

This episode of Attack the Backlog is all about Picross S, a picture crossword puzzle game that's strength is in its simplicity, providing enough challenge to engage the brain while never becoming too challenging to frustrate. It is thanks to this that it is one of the most relaxing and enjoyable puzzle games I've played in years; I only wish I didn't wait so long to finally get to the series, but you know what they say, better late than never, eh.

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Varney Lake and Stray Blade | The Pixelated Sausage Show

In what may end up being a regular thing these days, I spent over 30 minutes meandering about before getting to what I've been playing, surprising everyone with some MCU love, in addition to the usual MCU hate and some new Star Wars not praise. When the meandering comes to an end, I finally get on to what I've been playing, including Varney Lake and Stray Blade. Anyway and as always, thank you for watching or listening, I hope you enjoy this here episode, and I hope you have a wonderful wonderful rest of your day. (And if you haven't already, or are a listener and not a watcher, please like, subscribe, hit the bell, and all that jazz; it may not seem like much, but it goes a long way in helping support the show and site in general. I would appreciate it greatly.)

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Project Nightmares Case 36: Henrietta Kedward and Beacon Pines | The Pixelated Sausage Show

This episode hurts. It hurts because this is the second attempt at recording after a failed first attempt, a first attempt that just so happened to maybe be one of the best episodes recorded to date. That said, this episode still managed to turn out alright (I think), while also being (maybe) the longest episode to date, featuring more Star Wars and MCU hate, in addition to a smidgen of what I played, including the jump scare-heavy Project Nightmares Case 36: Henrietta Kedward and the absolutely delightful Beacon Pines. Anyway and as always, thank you for watching or listening, I hope you enjoy this here episode, and I hope you have a wonderful wonderful rest of your day. (And if you haven't already, or are a listener and not a watcher, please like, subscribe, hit the bell, and all that jazz; it may not seem like much, but it goes a long way in helping support the show and site in general. I would appreciate it greatly.)

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The Last Case of Benedict Fox and Road 96: Mile 0 | The Pixelated Sausage Show

Marc starts things off this episode talking about talking about video games before talking about video games. Confused? That makes two of us. Don't worry, though, 'cause listening to the show will only make things worse. After all the talking about talking is over, Marc finally gets on to what they've been playing, including the mysterious Lovecraftian Metroidvania, The Last Case of Benedict Fox, and the mini-game-infused adventure that is Road 96: Mile 0. Anyway and as always, thank you for watching or listening, I hope you enjoy this here episode, and I hope you have a wonderful wonderful rest of your day. (And if you haven't already, or are a listener and not a watcher, please like, subscribe, hit the bell, and all that jazz; it may not seem like much, but it goes a long way in helping support the show and site in general. I would appreciate it greatly.)

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Troublemaker and Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly | The Pixelated Sausage Show

Marc loses their mind this episode talking about what they've been watching for almost 30 minutes, including a show so bad it made them retroactively appreciate the Halo show for at least just being a bad Halo show and not a bad-bad show. After they're done comparing shows to various baskets of undesirables, they hit what they've been playing with 3D beat 'em up Troublemaker and the dialogue-heavy, coffee-making Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly. Anyway and as always, thank you for watching or listening, I hope you enjoy this here episode, and I hope you have a wonderful wonderful rest of your day. (And if you haven't already, or are a listener and not a watcher, please like, subscribe, hit the bell, and all that jazz; it may not seem like much, but it goes a long way in helping support the show and site in general. I would appreciate it greatly.)

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The Smurfs - Mission Vileaf - A Smurfingly Smurf Urf of Smurfy Smurfsmortions! | Attack the Smurflog

This smurf of Attack the Smurflog is all about The Smurfs - Mission Vileaf, a 3D platformer with vibrant, colorful smurf, pacing that keeps things feeling smurfy throughout, and a smurf that feels good, which, let’s be honest, is the most important smurf of all. But don't just take my smurf for it, give this smurf a smurf or smurf and I'm sure you'll smurf exactly what I'm smurfing about...

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Ayre and the Crystal Comet and Blade of Darkness | The Pixelated Sausage Show

This episode would have been better off being called, "That Halo Show Sure Does Suck, Am I Right?" 'cause that Halo show sure does suck, am I right? In addition to beating that dead warthog against the wall, Marc also talks about their last attempt to watch Lost and, keeping in line with the Halo talk, what Xbox property they'd most want to see get the movie and/or show treatment. After all that extended nonsense in finally out of the way, they get on to what they've been playing with open-world I don't know what game Ayre and the Crystal Comet and the action-adventure Blade of Darkness. Anyway and as always, thank you for watching or listening, I hope you enjoy this here episode, and I hope you have a wonderful wonderful rest of your day. (And if you haven't already, or are a listener and not a watcher, please like, subscribe, hit the bell, and all that jazz; it may not seem like much, but it goes a long way in helping support the show and site in general. I would appreciate it greatly.)

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Inkulinati, Doomed to Hell, and Volley Pals | The Pixelated Sausage Show

Remember those commercials with the frying pan and the eggs and the, "This is your brain on drugs?" Well, this episode is like that, except this is what happens when Marc tries new things at the last minute. What do I mean? Just listen and you'll understand soon enough. That said, after a bunch of nonsense to start things off, Marc hits a few games, including quirky strategy game Inkulinati, twin-stick shooter Doomed to Hell, and the incredibly simplistic volley ball game Volley Pals. Anyway and as always, thank you for watching or listening, I hope you enjoy this here episode, and I hope you have a wonderful wonderful rest of your day. (And if you haven't already, or are a listener and not a watcher, please like, subscribe, hit the bell, and all that jazz; it may not seem like much, but it goes a long way in helping support the show and site in general. I would appreciate it greatly.)

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