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9 Games That Should Have Been Awesome, But Ended Up Sucking

Just as every year is full of surprises; every year is also full of much suckage. There are those special games that little boys and girls get excited for and end up with nothing but a big bowl of diarrhea and disappointment. These are just a few examples of some games that should have been awesome, but ended up sucking the big one; and by big one, I mean my sausage. Please show your love/hate for our personal picks and let us know which games disappointed you.

Turning Point was such a fantastic idea for a game. In an industry that is drowning in World War II shooters, Turning Point was at least an attempt to add something different to this almost sub-genre. In this alternate tale, Winston Churchill died eight years prior to the war. This causes Europe to fold under pressure and the Unites States ends up being invaded by the Nazis. The story is undeniably interesting, but sadly every other aspect of the game was subpar. The game looked terrible and the gameplay was terrible. Everything but the story was absolutely terrible and I can only hope that another developer attempts something like this again with actual success. - Kush

Growing up, I was addicted to Steampunk and history. I remember sitting at the computer when I initially saw Damnation announced; the developers were talking about it and describing the core gameplay. Most people were intrigued; steampunk mixed with a third-person perspective could work so well in the gaming world, especially if you add in the "climbing aspect" of games like Assassin's Creed and Spider-man. It seemed they focused on "vertical gameplay" instead of just simple controls, not to mention the graphics looked like a Playstation or Nintendo 64 game. Damnation ended up being a game with so much promise thrown down the drain. - BigSt3ph3n

Before the game came out, Square announced that you would no longer be able to buy weapons in the game. To me, this is the biggest problem with the game. You had to find items in defeated monsters to upgrade equipment; you had to drain monsters in order to get spells. In the end, you were almost forced to win every battle with long, cinematic summons, as your weapons were practically useless. If you were able to get past all of this, you were rewarded with a pretty good love story and mostly enjoyable characters. - Hendersonman

I won’t say that Mercenaries 2 was a horrible game, but it was extremely disappointing to someone who loved the original. It’s never a good sign when one can say that the original is better than the sequel, but I would rather play the original game than this buggy sequel. Mercenaries 2 did nothing new besides adding a glitchy and limited co-op mode. It was not hard to tell that the game was originally developed for the Playstation 2 and then moved to next-gen consoles. The graphics didn’t pop and weren’t what you would expect from a game that had been in development for over three years. There are many games that are worse than Mercenaries 2, but this game particularly fell so far from its potential. - Kush

In the fighting game realm, it seems people want change and new ideas brought to the table. The main aspect of a fighting game is to, well, fight. In this game, they promised that while the character is getting beat up, cuts and bruises would appear and "handicap" the player. It didn't work as well as they promised. It was very generic and the cuts and bruises always appeared in the same spots. Another feature in the game was bones snapping and breaking. This was awesome when it happened, but it felt like more of a gimmick. The game featured a lack of depth when it came to the moves and combo system. I was excited for this to change the fighting genre, but it ended up as just more junk. - BigSt3ph3n

The game had an awesome premise. You were a young man living your life inside Japan and trying to find the person who murdered you father. Instead of being cool and living up to its potential, the main story only took about four hours to complete. The rest of the game consisted of you walking around, playing pool, raising a cat, and buying knickknacks from capsule machines. Worst of all, it’s responsible for bringing back quick time events. - Hendersonman

The original Matrix film was amazing. The following sequels were alright, but nowhere near the level of the original. Either way, Enter the Matrix should have been an amazing game. We already had games like Max Payne that used bullet time with such success, but what better world for slow-mo action than the world of the Matrix? The game promised to fill in the gaps of the story and deliver a game worthy of the name, but it failed on both fronts. The story did nothing to clarify any questions and the gameplay became repetitive within the first fifteen minutes. All that can be said about Enter the Matrix is that it made the sequel look like the original in comparison. - Kush

When I was younger, I watched a movie called A Nightmare on Elm Street. Since then I have been in love with the series and the character of Freddy. Around the age of 8, I finally got deep into the scene of video games. I went to a garage sale and saw the cartridge for A Nightmare on Elm Street. I picked it up thinking that the game had to be awesome. I was confused after the second I popped it into my NES. You control a character who just runs around Elm Street. You can enter buildings, which impressed me at the time, but the game had you dodging rocks and snakes floating on clouds. When did these appear in the movie? On top of all that, when you actually see Freddy it’s an ultra let down. The screen flashes “FREDDY'S COMING!” and you’re stuck in a room with Freddy, dodging a bunch of crap. Needless to say, I never put the game back in my system. - BigSt3ph3n

Factor 5 was responsible for the Star Wars: Rogue Squadron games on the Gamecube. When they decided to make a PS3 game, expectations were high. Sadly, they delivered was one of the worst experiences ever. Sony needed a game to show off the PS3’s terrible sixaxis controls. These controls took all the fun out of the unique idea of fighting atop a dragon in aerial combat. Factor 5 even went as far to tell reviewers that they were playing the game wrong and it was supposed to be a game that the casual gamer could pick up and play. The easiest way of proving that these controls were a mistake is by the simple fact that they eventually patched in alternate control scheme; one that was free of any motion controls. - Hendersonman

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