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6 Games That Should Have Sucked, But Ended Up Awesome

Every year is full of surprises. There are games that end up disappointing and games that leave us surprised with our pants around our ankles. This particular list highlights the latter of previously mentioned games; the games that should have sucked, but ended up being rather awesome. We will post our second list, 9 Games That Should Have Been Awesome, But Ended Up Sucking, tomorrow. In the mean time, feel free to show your love/hate for our personal picks and maybe leave us a comment with some of your own personal choices. P.S. - Feel free to check out the "beta" prototype of a possible fancier setup for future features.


in no particular order

Metroid Prime is a perfect example of a game that should have sucked, but ended up being awesome. The thought of taking a side-scrolling platformer and moving it into the first-person genre is an idea that seems destined to fail. Luckily, Retro Studios managed to create not just a great game, but one of the greatest games I’ve ever played. I bought a Gamecube solely for Metroid Prime and it happened to be one of the rare cases where I didn’t feel like I wasted my money. Metroid Prime is a shining example that anything can be accomplished if it’s in the right hands. - Kush

During this game’s early life, it was getting a lot of hype and press. When the game launched, most people were extremely let down. The game featured a lot of graphical problems, bad voice acting, glitches, and frame rate issues. It’s also important to note that this game came out after the monster hit, Oblivion. Even with all the problems Two Worlds had, I still loved it. I easily put in over eighty hours into the game. I really enjoyed the cheesy voice acting and the item creation. You could stack weapons onto one another, create traps/spells and conjure some awesome potions as well. The story wasn’t that bad either. Two Worlds had loads of problems, but I enjoyed the depth when you actually figured out how to do everything. It’s a weird feeling to have loved this game so much, but I enjoyed every hour I put into the game and I am anticipating the sequel, which shouldn’t be too far away. - BigSt3ph3n

Making a game that had all the thrills of parkour sounded awesome. Putting the game in a first-person perspective seemed to ruin that very concept. People love watching Parkour and seeing the leaps from a third-person perspective, but Mirror’s Edge wasn’t going to change. Mirror’s Edge stuck with the first-person perspective and ran with the idea, making a unique game that made you feel rewarded when you had a perfect run. There was something great about landing that jump you didn't even think was possible. - Hendersonman

 The idea of playing a Grand Theft Auto game on the Nintendo DS and actually having fun seemed impossible. I never expected anything but mediocrity, which is why Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars was such a wonderful surprise. It featured beautiful cel-shaded graphics, a fun use of the touch screen, and most importantly, tight and fluid controls. In a year that gave us two rather large expansions to Grand Theft Auto IV; I find it rather surprising and even a bit refreshing that I can firmly state that this little ol’ DS game ended up as my favorite Grand Theft Auto game of 2009 and one of the best DS games that I have ever played. - Kush

I found this game at a garage sale, saw the golden arches on the cartridge and thought, “a McDonald’s game? What the hell.” I popped it in and was immediately impressed. The game was built a lot like Super Mario Bros. 3, but that didn’t matter to me; I really enjoyed the whole upside-down aspect in the game. When I was younger, I felt the level was changing on me and I just liked the puzzle solving aspects. When I think of the game now, two kids on a quest to find Ronald McDonald’s "bag", I wonder what the hell is in that bag? There’s also the fact that when you beat a level you escape in a zipper, which is built into the level. It’s all kind of creepy, but this game is/was fresh during a time when everyone was trying to copy the Mario formula. - BigSt3ph3n

The movie was terrible, but somehow the game ended up being one of the best movie games made since the 80's. It captured the combat of Wolverine and made that an enjoyable nine hour experience. You always felt like Wolverine as you leapt into foes claws first, which is a rare feat in movie games nowadays. - Hendersonman


The "beta - I barely messed with it at all" fancier feature version that may or may not happen in the future of other features and lists and whatnot and all that jazz from jazzy jazzville.

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