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Memorable Gaming Moment 2002: BMX XXX

You may have found my previous memorable moments enjoyable, but nothing can match the awesomeness of the following memory; the memory of BMX XXX. There is nothing I want more in my BMX games than nice, pixelated titties. The most amazing aspect of BMX XXX is that it was censored on the Playstation 2 (in the States), but fully uncensored on both the Xbox and the Gamecube. That’s right, Nintendo apparently loves it some titties.

If you haven’t been able to tell already, I’m being completely sarcastic and don’t believe anyone, besides those with IQs below 69, found this game enjoyable. It was an embarrassment to the industry and I just thought it would be worth noting as something memorable for the year 2002 (not all memories are happy memories). It’s also hard trying to find a fifth memorable moment that meant a lot to moi in one year.


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