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Possible Leaked Trailer for Project Trico

Below (with more sausage) is the possible leaked trailer for the upcoming new game from Team ICO, the team that gave us Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. All I can say is that it looks pretty damn legit and I hope it's real because I love the premise of what I've seen. Having a companion throughout the game that can't directly talk to the protagonist is really appealing. It reminds me of all those old "human and animal" companion flicks that I used to love as a kid, as well as slightly reminding me of how a character like Wall-E is forced to use other means in order to expression emotion since he cannot speak.

I also just want to say that I hope this trailer is from an early build of the game because it didn't impress me graphically. I'm not saying it looks bad by any means, but it didn't "wow" me like I'd expect from Team ICO, not to mention the fact that this game has been in development for so long. Enough jibber-jabber from moi, enjoy the trailer below!

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