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Ninja Gaiden 2 (X360) Preview

If you liked Ninja Gaiden(or the two remakes) then you will probably like Ninja Gaiden 2 as well. In the simplest of terms Ninja Gaiden 2 is basically a prettier version of the first game. You get the good(game-play) with the bad(camera) and not much has changed. The biggest change would probably be the regenerating life bar because it does make things easier and slightly opens the game up to a wider audience. Though the horrible camera may push all those people away because it is absolutely unchanged from the previous games. It gets in the way and forces you to try and control the camera while controlling Ryu at the same time. There is also the new feature of cutting off the body parts of your enemies which is not only a visual addition, but adds to the the game-play as well. If you do not quickly dispatch of a wounded foe then he will latch onto you and blow himself up which leads to quite the health loss.

With all that said I still found the game enjoyable and I think the combat is a lot of fun. The different weapons all have their specific style and play very differently so there should be a weapon that fits everyone's playing style. The game does look good and runs very smooth, which is good because it is one fast game. Ninja Gaiden 2 will likely please Ninja Gaiden fans, but it probably won't help attain many new players to the series.


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