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Mega Man 9 on XBLA/PSN Too

Mega Man 9 will now officially release on XBLA and PSN, along with it's WiiWare release. This would appear to be the first arcade title to release simultaneously on all platforms. I know that some people are quite upset with the choice to go back to 8-bit graphics. I am actually excited about the retro style, though it may be a little bit too much nostalgia face shoving. I am also someone who would gladly buy a brand new 8/16-bit system if I knew that companies would still develop new games for those systems.

2D in not dead, 2D is not something that developers need to be afraid of trying. I know that there are many things you can't do in a 2D game that can be done in 3D, but the same goes vice-versa. I will be going over this a lot more in an article I plan to write about Franchise revivals and retro gaming in general.

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