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Girls Got Game

To all the female gamers out there! (Guys are welcome too) You should all check out Girls Got Game! It’s a new site dedicated to bringing together the community of female gamers and showing that they can hang with the boys. Girls are just as important as guys in the world of games. They may still be out-numbered, but they still are just as passionate about video games as anyone else out there. So if you’re a gamer who is sausage free….please, please PLEASE go and check out Girls Got Game! …sign up and tell all your fellow gamers about the site. Spread the word and let it be known that Girls Got Game! kicks ass like a boot full of brass. You’ll be sitting in the grass looking for a pass to save your ass. Praying in mass won’t save your ass, I laugh that you even have to ask! So break off fool, this site is mad cool…and if you’re a girl, give it whirl. It won’t disappoint…pigs go oink! (Sorry, I couldn’t think of anything to rhyme with disappoint)

…also I’m sorry for the rhyming in general. It’s what I do…and yes I know I am a retard!

So anyways please check out the site for me, for you…for 55cents!?....alright
Girls Got Game!

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