2008: Let's play in the sand

2008 is being called by most “The Year of the Playstation 3”, but I believe this to be the year of the open-world game. Besides the possible biggest game of the year, GTAIV; 2008 has over 10 open-world game scheduled for release. Is this a good thing? I don’t really know, but it would seem that “playing in the sandbox” is becoming the new WWII shooter. As much as I love this genre; an overpopulation of open-world games isn’t really a good thing. This is more obvious when you see that some of these games aren’t really that different from each other.
Grand Theft Auto IV; The biggest, the original, and pretty much the father of what he know to be a “sandbox” game. GTAIV will likely be the biggest game of the year and it’s also the first to be released. Will this hurt sales on other similar games, such as Saint’s Row 2 which is one of the closest rip-offs (and most successful) of the game. I personally think that Saint’s Row 2 has a great chance of failing due to numerous facts. It is very similar to the GTA franchise (except Saint’s Row gives you the ability to create your alter-ego). Here come the problems; Saint’s Row 2 takes place in the same city as the original, though with new areas and redone architecture. Do people really want to play in the same city? Would GTA have been as successful if Vice City/San Andreas never happened and we just had 2 sequels in Liberty City? I don’t think that GTA would have made the same impact without such a drastic change between games. Though you can look at sports games, or other sequels (such as the newly released Rainbow 6 Vegas 2) and see that people will still pay for game-play they like without much change; I really hope that the trend doesn’t become too popular because if we become content with just playing the same game with a few new features, my interest in gaming as a whole will drop drastically.
This isn’t the only area where the games lack originality. There are sub-genres in open-world games, such as the mercenary/military games and the pure mafia games. When you look at Mercenaries 2 and then Just Cause 2; you can see that the games are pretty similar. Both take place in these lush exotic locations and are all about the big explosion etc. The main difference is that Mercenaries 2 will feature online co-op, but that’s not much (I’m not saying co-op isn’t a big deal). I know plenty of people will be able to tell me many little things that differ between the games, but the fundamentals are unquestionably similar. Then you look at Mafia II, which is a sequel to fantastic original (basically putting GTA in the 1930’s and giving it a story on par with the Godfather). You have Mafia II coming in 2008 and in 2009 we will have sequels to both the Godfather and Scarface games. At their core these games are the same, but each may have certain unique game-play elements and obviously different stories, but what else? It’s this desire to cash in on whatever is believed to be the hot trend that really does hurt the industry. This is similar to how the film industry loves putting out sequel after sequel because it’s what the masses apparently want.
Though there are still plenty of companies who are willing to take a chance with a little originality. Pandemic (the same studio behind the Mercenaries franchise) is working on a game called Saboteur, which takes place during WWII. An open-world WWII game hasn’t really been done, but what really sets this game apart is its use of color (or lack thereof). The game starts out in B&W and gradually gains more color as the story progresses. That may just seem like a gimmick, but I think it’s an interesting idea and also gives the game a very unique visual style. This is Vegas is another game that is quite different for the genre; thought it seems like a pretty stupid game in my opinion. In This is Vegas you basically just hang out in the city of sin and gamble, get into trouble and undoubtedly hook up with loose women. I don’t see much of a game there. I don’t expect the game to be anything more than trash; I could very well be wrong, but Midway’s recent track record won’t help win any support.
So when I look at the 2008 it seems to be the year of the sand box. There will likely be crap; I’m looking at you Vegas! There will also be games that could become instant classics, Grand Theft Auto IV (surprised by that weren’t you). The year is full of these games, from gangsters to superhero to aliens; the open-word genre has it all. I just hope that this type of game isn’t overdone to the point where I may not even care about a franchise as big and dear to my heart as GTA. I don’t expect anything like that to happen, but in this day and age anything could happen…
Below is a list of open-world games scheduled for release in 2008.
Grand Theft Auto IV (360/PS3)
Saint’s Row 2 (360/PS3)
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames (Multi)
Just Cause 2 (360/PS3)
Prototype (360/PS3)
Saboteur (360/PS3)
Mafia II (360/PS3)
Infamous (PS3)
Wheelman (360/PS3)
Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon (360/PS3)
This is Vegas (360/PS3)
The Incredible Hulk (Multi)
…If you look at the open-world genre on an even broader scope you can even add games like Fable 2 and Fallout 3.
Reader Comments (4)
nice write-up kush.
my most anticipated game of the year is Fallout 3. i really hope it makes it out in 08 though.
Great Job man.
Thanks little boys :)
I LOVE Sausage!!